Saturday 25 September 2010

Ananias and his wife

Ananias and Saphia

Act 5:1-11

Story : during early days of Christianity, the work of Holy Spirit was manifested to the unprecedented extent. The church of Jerusalem was formed, and Barnabas gave all to the church. A&S has sold their land and hid some for themselves and pretended that it was all. Peter saw the deception, and rebuked A and he passed away, followed by S who also lied.

Some may say God is very harsh.

What were their sins?

(1) Sin to deceive God

They thought they could deceive the disciples, and led by Satan and deceived Holy Spirit and tested God.

Detronomy 6:16 clearly says that you shall not test God. Even Jesus rejected to be tempted by Satan in the wilderness. But that same Satan infiltrated A&S’s heart and wanted test again, and A&S were used as tools for Satan. By doing so, Satan wanted to tarnish the pure church of God.

(2) Sin to seek people’s recognition

They saw how barnabas rose up the ranks among the leadership of the church. And they wanted something similar.

As Galatians 1:10 says, they were seeking to please men rather than pleasing God by their sacrifice and services.

Barnabas gave to please God but A&S gave to please men and themselves.

It is wrong service, wrong sacrifice, wrong worship, just wrong wrong wrong

What about us? When we work, study and serve, is God our centre of focus or men?

i have seen people demanding refund of their tithe and offering. You can just guess what was the centre of their heart to they were giving initially.

(3) They could not stop worrying.

Act 4 clearly says that in the church, there were no one who were in need as everyone shared. A&S must have worried, what about us, what about our future security?

Matthew 6:24-33 says we can’t serve two masters (God and money)

Look at the lilies and birds in the air, God provides. First seek the kingdom of God.

Why was this necessary?

(1) For purity of church

(2) As a warning to likeminded people (like A&S)

(3) To counter Satan (leaders have to be firm when it comes to confronting Satan, should not be soft or worry about the human relationship)

What should we learn?

(1) God knows everything

(Psalm 139 – God knows our thoughts and everything)

(2) We need to stand together to protect the purity and integrity of the church and fellowship

(3) When worshiping God, (act of giving) – we should give our all

- God is Spirit and worshipers must worship him in spirit and in truth

(4) As a dedicated and committed servant, we should not serve money, and fully rely on the Lord.

Matthew 6:32 clearly says that worrying about ourselves and future is what the gentiles (non-believers) do. We need to seek His kingdom and His righteousness and the rest will be taken care of.

(5) As a couple, A&S showed ‘togetherness’ in the most notorious way.

Couples should build each other up with God in the centre.

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