Thursday 23 September 2010

stop judging

Life is too short to hate,
Life is too short to turn your back on others whether they are stranger or family members.

This noisy and very unsettled boy annoyed me to great extent, and I thought to myself ' what kind of parents does he have to allow such behaviour in public'

Then I noticed that he was wearing a hearing aid, and has difficulty in speaking, listening, following instruction, and concentration.

Two overweight couple had a overweight baby, that must be about 8 months old.  It was rather unsightly on busy underground, as the baby was moving constantly. Then I saw tubing into the baby's nostrils, and his father was carrying a oxygen cylinder to provide the air that the boy needed. The size of the cylinder being too big, they struggled to find a comfortable seating position inside the crowded underground carriage.

I felt quite sorry, and also furious with myself, for becoming less understanding, less tolerant, and impatient monster that my wife is worried about.

10 years ago, I always had friends around, they shared their life's concerns as well as joyous events. They told me they could tell me anything as I was a good listener, and never short of tolerance and respect for them. They could confide with me.

Now I am a monster throwing judgement on people, events, news, politicians and my own friends.

life is too short to love,,,, why waste time and energy on judging, when it yields nothing.

God save me!!

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