Tuesday 17 December 2019

The negativity of 'tolerance'

We talk of a tolerant society. 

Tolerance is one of the critical values of modern society that almost all multicultural states uphold as essential. 

However, the meaning of tolerance traces back to the Latin "tolerantia" which means patience. 

The dictionary definitions also denote this suppressing and restrictive actions that are required. 

When a society is blooming, and there is plenty for all to share, this value may be 'tolerated'. But when things get tight, when an economy contract, when a 'sacrifice' of the incumbent 'positions', 'materials', and 'privileges' are required to offer up 'tolerance', social clashes take place. 

Is the value of tolerance a viable trait to demand of citizens? 

In the era of the Brexit, how far should the EU tolerate the UK's EU bashing? 
In the era of the second rising of China, how far should the US tolerate its rival that will eventually steal the global hegemony?
In the era of political correctness, how far ordinary families tolerate gender diversity and its demand for acceptance? 

'Tolerance is a social construct, and a set of artificial ideals that will not withstand the test of 'gluttonous' human society."

Necessary to 'appease' temporarily, and will not and should not be regarded as a panacea. 

tolerance에 대한 이미지 검색결과

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The negativity of 'tolerance'

We talk of a tolerant society.  Tolerance is one of the critical values of modern society that almost all multicultural states uphold ...