Saturday 4 March 2017

To shine God's light in darkness

“Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?’”
2 Chronicles 1:10 NIVUK

It is a dejavu moment. I went through this experience of dealiing with nasty business threatening to sue for a perfectly legitimate but emotionally-pride-destroying matter.

I did not want to face this anymore.  I do not want anyone sueing me, or think negatively of me. 

It feels as though it is a cross that I must bear once again,, as the situation has not light, has no leadership, and who else should assume the position. If God is placing me there to fight this fight, yes, may I be the light in the situation, and lead the people. 

God, please give me wisdom..... Humility and gentleness to come out strong from this situation. 

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