Sunday 23 July 2017

Jesus and tax collectors "Matthew 9:9-13"

The tax collectors under Roman rule, were subjects of hatred, betrayal, uncleanness for a number of reasons.

1) Their practice of acquiring unethical 'additional' money from fellow Israelites were viewed with immense hatred

2) Their collaboration with gentile and oppressive Roman rule were viewed as betrayal

Therefore they were viewed as unclean.

When Jesus called Mathew to follow him and also dining with Mathew's friends and 'sinners' - Pharisees were indignant, as described in the passage.

What would be the modern day comparison.

Looking at the dualism that is pervasive in Korean christianity, that divides spiritual work and secular work, we do see this in place all the time.

There are a few significant points.

1) Jesus approached Matthew the tax collector - Think why the writer, Matthew himself, wanted to highlight his job. This encounter highlights Jesus' acceptance of people from different occupations and lines of work.  He even met prostitute to change her, and sin no more. In this encounter, Jesus does not convict them, but simply dine with them, and the change takes place while eating together with Jesus, as we see from the Zachaeus case.

2) Other tax collectors and Sinners came to the dinner - through the link that Matthew provided.
- This is very powerful evidence that highlights the importance of marketplace ministry, where through changed, and God-centred Christian professionals, how others were able to come to Jesus and participate in the dinner. Pharisees with strong sense of hierarchical view of the professions, did not even want to do anything with the tax collectors. - shutting the door for the grace of God to flow through.  But the changed professionals, had a powerful impact in his own line of work.

3) Being with sinners do not make you a sinner. Jesus demonstrate this by interacting with them. Thessalonians 5:22 "Reject every kind evil" does not mean that 'Reject every kind of evil doers. We have this attitude how do we bring the light to the dark world. We need to reach out, but with a full armor of God.

3) Pharisees' action -  Time and time again, we see Pharisee's own standard that is ridiculed here. Through the lens of the Gospel of Matthew, yes, we do see that their action as wrong. But we may be surprised how much we are like Pharisees. We make a very quick judgement of people about what is right and wrong, hence how is deserving of my respect, care, love and who do not deserve them.
Jesus' embracing of everyone is a great example of how we ought to approach those people within our circle.

I heard of some brother in our church whose passion is graffiti across the city.  I am still not sure if I should see his work as proper work of artistic creativity or an illegal criminal activity.
However, this does not mean that I should reject him as a friend, and a fellow christian.


Jesus was with the tax collectors. He called the Matthew to follow him but also bless the rest of his friends in that profession with His presence. This can bring changes to people.
The changed people in profession, have a greater impact than, religious and judgmental Pharisees.
Beware of anyone who looks down on your work, your contribution to society and your friendship circles. Also be professional, but be Spirit filled first. God will use you as a 'fisher of men', 'collector of lost souls', and a 'shepherd of His lamb'

The negativity of 'tolerance'

We talk of a tolerant society.  Tolerance is one of the critical values of modern society that almost all multicultural states uphold ...